PBS Newshour and Burden-Shifting Video

We need to include children with autism in the real world. Here’s what everyone can do to help Apr 2, 2018 6:15 pm EDT  Share Share on FacebookShare on Twitter  TranscriptAudio Helping children with autism make small steps toward overcoming hurdles in public life...

“Guiltless balance” In Working Mother

8 Ways I’ve Managed to Find Guilt-Free Balance in Work and Life For example: Make your kids your personal assistants. By Whitney Ellenby March 9, 2018 0 Comments My kids help me stay on track. Whitney Ellenby As most women do, I’ve worn many hats throughout my...

Fairfax Woman Interview

https://www.flipsnack.com/77FDF7EC5A8/alexandria-woman-march-april-2018.html By Kathryn Streeter Photo By Emily Korff After years of sending her autistic son Zack to leading therapists and hemorrhaging hundreds of thousands of dollars, Whitney Ellenby woke up, angry....

Horrifying Bystanders

Hey friends, this edited excerpt was published by The Washington Post, and sparked a mixture of support and outrage. Please know that I respect all opinions and anticipated anger, confusion, etc..from my unconventional tactics with my son. Out of respect for serious...
“Look Zack, You Did It!” Article in Bethesda Magazine

“Look Zack, You Did It!” Article in Bethesda Magazine

Whitney Ellenby’s life took an unexpected turn when her son was diagnosed with autism. When conventional therapy didn’t work for him, she took things into her own hands—and found a cause that changed her life. BY GABRIELE MCCORMICK THE FLORIDA-BOUND plane was 40,000...