PBS Newshour and Burden-Shifting Video
True Inclusion of Autism means we’re All going to have to be Uncomfortable for a Little While
Tolerance of Intolerance is Itself Intolerance
“Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice.” ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali To all those who seek to silence my uncensored voice, please understand this. There are many acts for which I have apologized in my life and sought forgiveness, but writing my uncensored story is not among...
“Guiltless balance” In Working Mother
Profound gratitude to Working Mother publication for their content, and for letting me contribute a verse -https://www.workingmother.com/finding-guilt-free-balance-in-work-and-life
Fairfax Woman Interview
A privilege to speak and be heard by Fairfax Woman Magazine
Your Children Are Not Your Children
As the beaming mother of a significantly impacted son with Autism, and a neurotypical daughter, I'm constantly caught off guard in ways both delightful and confounding of how truly, madly, deeply different they are from me and my husband. As parents I think we...
Why Koehler Books is Publishing Whitney Ellenby’s AUTISM UNCENSORED
Hi friends, as a companion to my last post, please check out this fascinating and intimate read from John Koehler, an unconquerable spirit and independent thinker without whom my unguarded story might not have been told: Photo: Zack with his Mom Whitney, the author,...
On Speaking & Being Heard
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and if you are intrigued, my book. An adapted excerpt from Autism Uncensored was recently featured in The Washington Post which created very strong reactions on all sides. I would like to speak to them, most especially...
Horrifying Bystanders
Revolutionaries As I pause, breathe, and think about the unconquerable Martin Luther King Jr., I push all thoughts of Autism from my mind today. I believe there’s no greater gift you can give someone than your undivided attention and to try to understand their pain....

A wise & beautiful exchange..
A story only for those who can appreciate... Today at Rockville Pool a little boy, Finn, age 3, suddenly announced that Zack was his new best friend. This little one seized upon Zack in every way possible, chasing after him, splashing him in...